I love the sharing of knowledge and perspectives.  They are fundamental to our collective growth and development. My hope is that I can provide nourishment in the conversations I bring you, provide some much needed inspiration to help guide you and give you hope that life has more abundance, intrigue and lessons for us all to take that brave next step.




Welcome to Chrisohanlon.com

I wanted to create a place where I combine my passion for people with my interest and intrigue in the human condition.  Personal development has also been a huge interest of mine because it’s a joy to see people become the best version of themselves. My role as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Public Speaker, Coach and Facilitator has offered me a platform to engage in helping others to understand themselves better, to explore and take greater steps to self improvement. 

The ‘And Then There Were Humans’ Podcast provided the perfect platform, combining my love of conversation with the opportunity to have meaningful discussions, connecting you with fascinating stories that we can all hopefully learn from.  Each one leaves a footprint.  


Chris O’Hanlon is a Member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists.  He graduated from the London College of Clinical Hypnotherapy (in partnership with the University of West London) where he studied both CPPD (Certificate of Personal and Professional Development) and Post-Graduate studies in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Chris brings both a balanced and comprehensive approach to the practice of hypnotherapy & coaching. His discerning and considerate nature allows clients to work towards creating life-changing and achievable goals. Chris offers a professional and confidential service for a range of conditions. 

“As a Coach & Clinical Hypnotherapist my aim is to ensure that all of my clients receive the very best treatment, while being able to work towards measurable goals. I’ve always been incredibly passionate about helping people and assisting them on their journey to become mentally and physically stronger. The process is about facilitating positive change, which brings insight. Hypnotherapy is about working together in helping the unconscious mind find solutions. It’s an opportunity to incorporate a positive mindset and in so doing create a stronger, more confident person”.


Press and Coverage

HIV positive man describes the stigma he faces on dating apps

Telling a partner you have HIV - Matthew Wright on Channel 5

BBC Three Counties - It Starts With Me

“Are you clean?”: Living with HIV by Chris O’Hanlon from Positively UK

“You OK Hun?”: Living with HIV by Chris O’Hanlon from Positively UK

Podcast with Award winning nutritionist Daniel O'Shaughnessy


Date: Monday 20 Nov 2017 10:12 pm

‘I’m often asked on dating apps if I’m clean. I reply “yes I shower daily”’. 

Chris O’Hanlon can talk about his HIV status with good humour now – knowing that effective treatment means he can’t pass on the virus.  The main challenge he’s now facing is outdated attitudes from other people.

‘There is still so much stigma out there that needs confronting, especially in the gay community,’ he said.  I’ve been told to get lost and die when I’ve told people I am HIV positive, because they think I’m spreading HIV.  Some people also say they don’t date or sleep with people ‘like me’, to which my response is ‘that you know of’,’ the clinical hypnotherapist and personal trainer from Luton said.  The truth is they may have slept with people who have HIV and don’t know it or even guys who know their status but haven’t said for fear of rejection, because there are a lot of gay men who remain undiagnosed.  It’s common that you get blocked or people stop talking to you because you tell them you have HIV, Some of this is ignorance and fear.’

Date: 09/05/2018



Date: 01/12/2017

Date: 12/04/2019

Positively UK Gay Men’s Project Lead Chris O’Hanlon on the discrimination and stigma people with HIV can encounter on today’s popular gay hook up and dating apps.

Despite society’s progress in becoming more accepting of people with HIV, stigma on social media still prevails in abundance and it’s something gay men know all too well. People living with HIV remain targets of stigma, moral judgement and discrimination. And surprise, surprise, attitudes in the gay community aren’t helping.

As a gay man living with HIV, the amount of times in the past I have been asked ‘If I’m clean?’ baffled me. Yes, I’m clean, because I shower daily. In fact, I’ve even been known to exfoliate – and even own my own pumice! However, on the question of my status the word ‘clean’ just doesn’t come into it. Being HIV positive doesn’t make me dirty or clean. It doesn’t make me better or worse than the reader of this article. It just means that I have an auto-immune condition. Shocking as this may sound, gentle reader, but I can still work, gym, party and have even been known to stay up past my bedtime on a school night.

Click here to view this article

Date: 12/04/2019

Positively UK Gay Men’s Project Lead Chris O’Hanlon talks to Boyz about something many of our readers will identify with… loneliness, and asks “You OK Hun?”.

Loneliness. It’s an issue that has become one of the biggest health concerns of the 21st century, accounting for an increased mortality risk, second only to that of smoking. Recent studies into social isolation have revealed that those without adequate social interaction are twice as likely to die prematurely.

However, being alone and being lonely are two different creatures. Loneliness can feel draining, distracting, and upsetting, whereas desired solitude can be restorative and peaceful. For many of the LGBT+ community, in a world of social platforms showcasing how “perfect” the lives of so many are, loneliness has become debilitating and for gay men living with HIV this presents an additional concern.

Click here to read the full article 

Date: 30/05/2020